
Kitchen Design Plugin for Sketchup, Sketchup training.

Brizo in NYC at Fashion Week

A few weeks ago, Brizo generously invited a group of prominent kitchen and bath bloggers out to New York city for a design challenge and a Brizo learning session. (At least Brizo said we were "prominent"!)
After taking some classes on Brizo product, the room full of us was each tasked with coming up with a design pitch for a bathroom in the giant space we were given.  This space was GIANT!  It doesn't look that bad in the pictures, but the ceilings were 156" tall, so that should give you an idea of the scale of this bathroom.  Coincidently, this bathroom does exist in real life.
Underneath Park Avenue, in a conference room we were each given ten minutes to come with a pitch for a bathroom idea.  We were then given one minute to stand up and present our ideas in front of the room.  Some of us just had idea's, other folks did some great sketches.

Not a bad sketch for ten minutes huh?  I wish I could take credit for it.  Mine looked more like the doodles of someone who was just trying to run the pen out of ink.  After we presented our ideas, the top four were selected.  We broke into a team for each idea and proceeded to hash out our plan.  The eventual goal after an hour was too get our designs into the Sketchup model for judging later.

Everyone got into their designs, the hour flew by.  We were granted extra time, as apparently fashion shows don't ever start on time.  The Jason Wu show we were supposed to see after the contest was no exception.

So after the designs were submitted, most of us took off via Brizo limo for the Showtime house.  The Showtime house is a penthouse high above New York City that is filled with rooms that are designed by famous designers.  They were all themed after a Showtime television show.  I got a few pictures, but the website has much better ones!  Check out the website for a full tour.

So between the fashion show, and the after party, our Sketchup models were cleaned up and readied for judging.
From what I understand there is going to be some sort of official announcement from Brizo on the winners, so I won't spoil the fun for them.  Of the four, which one would you have picked?