When you are designing a kitchen on the computer, you always need to include the appliances. Most design programs have generic appliances that you can substitute for the real ones. Just make sure you have your specs handy so you can check to make sure they fit.
But wait, we're designing in 3D, why can't we do all of that at once? Impossible sounding, I know.. But it can be done. If you look through the 3D Warehouse, there are some appliance companies that have stepped up and put their products online, in 3D. Not only can you download these accurate models into your design in Sketchup, they are embedded with all that information you need. Information like dimension guides and installation instructions. Oh, did I mention that they are accurately modeled in 3D? Now you can save yourself a bunch of work, and even show your customers exactly what their appliances look like. How cool is that?
Check out below for a few appliances. Get Sketchup today and try it out for yourself!