
Kitchen Design Plugin for Sketchup, Sketchup training.

Plugin: View Parts

I was just made aware of a very cool new plugin for Sketchup called "View Parts" Put simply, it takes an assembly of parts and lays them out in scene tabs.  This is something I've done manually over the years to show how an assembly of parts will look.  I'll let the video below do the explaining:

You can find this plugin right inside Sketchup 2013's Extension Warehouse.  It's free, and absolutely worth checking out.

RenderIN Beta Test

Through the Twitterverse the other day the RenderIN folks told me that they are having a contest to get testers for their next version of RenderIn.  They are looking for 30 new testers.  All you have to do to participate is download the trial version of RenderIN, render up an image and send it it.  The best 30 images from users will be chosen for the beta program.

I downloaded the trial and started playing with it myself.  While I have nothing yet that I would consider worthy to send it, the "Real time radiosity engine" is quite interesting.  See the video below on how it works.  Certainly worth a try.  Click here to post an image to the contest.

I'm Eric, and I used to be addicted... USB flash drives.

That's right.  What you are seeing here is just the tip of the iceberg.  I had lots of these drives in circulation.  I have several different computers that I work on, all in different places.  I was constantly transferring pictures, documents, and files between all of them.  On my best days I could keep track of what was where.  When the caffeine wore off, all bets were off.

I tend to stay ahead of the curve and keep up with the latest technology.  I tried all kinds of ways to keep my files in sync.  I used to email files to myself, remote desktop into my "base" PC, I even have used cloud file strorage service like DropBox.  As brilliant as DropBox is, in the back of my mind I always wanted something that could do more.

I wanted something that I could clip websites to, write down notes, record sound, and take pictures with my smartphone.  I wanted all of this on one place, accessible anywhere.  I wanted to be able to search those notes, by text, location, and keywords.  I wanted to be able to access these notes from anything that was connected to the internet.  I wanted to be able to share those notes with anyone easily.  Well, for a long time I didn't think such a service existed until I discovered Evernote.

Evernote is the most brilliant app I have discovered this year.  It has changed the way that I work.  Evernote at it's heart is a cloud based storage service.  You can create typed notes, store documents, pictures, files, and even recorded audio to the cloud.  What can you use to create these notes?  Damn near anything.  They support all kinds of mobile devices (even Blackberry!), Mac's, PC's, even the web browser.  Let me walk you through a typical day with Evernote:

I start out my day reading the news.  Since a lot of my blog posts I write are about things in the news, I can with just a click or two, clip new articles into my Evernote.  I have a special notebook just for these articles.

Later on, I may head to a jobsite and measure out a space with my iPad.  There, I take the measurements with a drawing app, and I take pictures of the space.  When I get back to the office I send all the pictures and notes to Evernote to a notebook labeled for that job.  As I start designing the space with Sketchup, I export all the pictures to Evernote in that same job notebook.  Later, I clip all the websites for appliances into the same notebook.  I can even walk around the showroom taking pictures of hardware with my smartphone to add to the notebook. Now I've got all of my notes for a job in Evernote, accessible instantly from any device I choose, anywhere on the planet.  Say I end up talking to the client on the phone and I am away from my computer, I can just open the Evernote app and look up all the information for the job.

Evernote has one more ace up it's sleeve: it can recognize text from pictures.  Think about this, you can snap a picture of a business card and put it in Evernote.  Evernote can read the text in the picture and make it searchable.  I was over the moon when I discovered this.  I started using it for business cards, but now I use it for spec books and all kinds of other text.

Boarding passes end up in there, parking tickets, handwritten notes, you name it!  I could go on and on...

Here's what I suggest, go to and get this app.  It's free unless you are a total upload glutton like me, and then it's $5 per month, or $45 per year for an astronomical amount of storage space. This app has literally changed the way I work. (Nope, they didn't pay me a dime to say that either)

Rerun: WebPad for iPad

If you're reading this on Monday morning, I am on my way to Chicago for the Kitchen & Bath Design News "Leaders Conference" where I will be presenting "Profiting in the new Digital Age".

Keep an eye on the Twitter for live updates, for now, here's an older post that is still very relevant.

So to add even more awesomeness to the iPad, I have discovered a new app called WebPad.  WebPad lets you draw on your iPad, live on someone else's computer screen.  Ok, I realize that doesn't sound that exciting, so let me give you a real life scenario for this:

A customer called me a while back, I had been working on a design for them.  There was a particular detail that I was describing to them.  I had a picture in my head, and I was attempting to put it into words.  Like a lot of customers, they aren't telepathic, so they didn't understand what I was talking about.   If I was talking about this face to face, I would have fired up Adobe Ideas and draw out the sketch for them.  In this case, I didn't have that choice.

Enter WebPad:  With WebPad, I can fire it up, instantly email my customer a link.  Once they click on the link, they see my iPad screen live on their screen!  As I draw, it shows up on their screen.  AMAZING!  Virtual paper.  Watch my demo live below!

Measure: Digitally

As any regular reader of this blog knows, I love Sketchup, and I also love a good app for a smart phone.  Lately, I have been mashing up a slick mobile app with Sketchup.  The app, called MyMeasures (available to Android and iOS)  allows you to measure right on a picture.  Check out this video to see it in action:

Pretty awesome right?  I am working on a kitchen with an old soapstone sink that the homeowners want to reuse.  I needed to draw the sink in Sketchup so that I can design a custom cabinet to go beneath it.  I used MyMeasures to get the dimensions.
From this picture, I modeled this:
So, using MyMeasures I was able to capture easily all the details I needed to create this sink in 3D.  The modeling took just a few minutes.  Once I had the 3D model, I was able to work with it as if I was right there on the jobsite in 3D.  Try doing that with 2020!
Feel free to download this model and see it for yourself!