I've been closing in on getting the Wikished cut. I now have all of the files nearly 100% designed. All that is left is the tedious task of "Dog Boning" the slots, and adding a clearance offset to all of the slots so that the parts can slide in easily in the field. I am considering using a couple of Handibots and cutting all of the parts out using the large material jig like this, although I am wondering if it will take a really long time to cut out 50 sheets.
I have posted the files 100k Garages. If you haven't heard of 100k Garages, it's a community of makers and designers. The aim of this community is to connect people that need stuff made with people that can make that stuff.
If you can make stuff you can browse the bid board and see what projects are available.
Perhaps you'd be interested in cutting about 50 sheets of ply for me to build this shed?