The Wikished is nearly ready for cutting. The model is ready, and I have been experimenting with cutting tolerances. So far the tolerances outlined from Wikihouse seem to work very well.
You can see the current shed model here:
I have come up with an interesting way to catalog all of the parts as well. Using Sketchup's built in "Generate Report" I am able to export a parts list of the entire model. The stock report is full of extra information that makes it really hard to interpret the information, take a look:
Original Sketchup report
Pretty ugly right? Well, using a pivot table, I am not able to isolate only the parts that are needed to cut the shed. They are gathered together and counted. This is great for doing QA as you're cutting, and making sure you have the exact right amount of parts:
Report with a pivot table
You can see the name of every part if you right click on them in Sketchup and click "Entity Info"
In the coming weeks I am going to post an epic video on how to get his model directly to CNC without having to fuss around with manually pulling the model apart. Stay tuned for that.