
Kitchen Design Plugin for Sketchup, Sketchup training.

Wikished on 100k Garages!

I've been closing in on getting the Wikished cut. I now have all of the files nearly 100% designed. All that is left is the tedious task of "Dog Boning" the slots, and adding a clearance offset to all of the slots so that the parts can slide in easily in the field. I am considering using a couple of Handibots and cutting all of the parts out using the large material jig like this, although I am wondering if it will take a really long time to cut out 50 sheets.


I have posted the files 100k Garages. If you haven't heard of 100k Garages, it's a community of makers and designers. The aim of this community is to connect people that need stuff made with people that can make that stuff.

If you can make stuff you can browse the bid board and see what projects are available.

Perhaps you'd be interested in cutting about 50 sheets of ply for me to build this shed?

Wikihouse test joints

This is a video of me cutting out a test joint for the Wikihouse project. You can read more about it here:

So in my ongoing effort to get at least the Wikished built, and eventually my entire Wikihouse I've been asked to create some test joints for an engineer to look at. So the other day I went into the shop, fired up AC/DC at a rather loud volume level, and cut this out: (Everyone knows that Wikihouse assembly goes better with rock)

This was a good way to evaluate the viability of cutting this out on a Handibot and to test out some of my clearances.

Wikihouse Project Update: A few loose screws

Here's a quick update on the Wikished:

I am getting the file a few steps closer to being 100% ready for cutting. I am marking out all the screw holes. Yep, every single screw hole will me marked. This will do two things: 1) Make it easy to know where to drive screws. 2) You will be able to get an exact screw count when you run a report on your Sketchup model.

After I finish this up, I will be "dog boning" every slot in the model so running this in a CAM program will be very easy.

Now, I wonder how long this would take to cut on a Handibot....


Wikished parts layouts

So I've been working on efficient ways to get parts from Sketchup into VCarve so I can setup cutting files easily. Made some great progress on that over the past few days... Check out this sheet layout directly from a Sketchup model:



These parts came from this model:
