
Kitchen Design Plugin for Sketchup, Sketchup training.

Fix Your Toolbars (Windows)

Have you ever resized your window in Sketchup, only to maximize it again and find that all of your carefully placed toolbars are now jumbled?

With Sketchup 8 there is a way that you can fix that without having to suffer through the tedium of placing each and every toolbar back in it's place!  Click past the jump for a quick video that will change your life if you've ever suffered from jumbled toolbars...

3D Warehouse Access Issues inside Sketchup


Over the past few days I have noticed that some of the component collections you find in your components window aren't accessible within Sketchup anymore.

It appears that all of the collections except for "Transportation"  and "Playground"  are effected.  Since these categories are just essentially bookmarks to the 3D Warehouse, I assumed that Google had perhaps moved them online, and thus broken the link between Sketchup and where they reside online.

This doesn't appear to be the case, as these collections are easily accessible in your browser.

Since I use these just about everyday, I was really scrambling to find a way to get them back easily.  After I found them in the browser I realized that I could download the models I needed, and then go to "File>Import" and select Sketchup models on the bottom, then select the component file I wanted.  This is a tedious process at best.

The faster solution is to open a browser window next to Sketchup, find the components in the 3D Warehouse with your browser, then just drag them into Sketchup.  This appears to only work on a PC, not on a Mac.  Right now Mac users are stuck with the tedious method.

I wondered if anyone else was seeing this issue, so I checked around online and I found these threads:


Google Sketchup Help Group

Is anyone else seeing this issue? if so, please let us know in the comments.  We will be keeping this post up to date as this develops.


It appears that Google is aware of the issue and is working on a fix now.  We'll keep you updated.

Update 3/11/2012

Just opened Sketchup and it appears the issue has been solved!  Thanks Google!

RenderIN Beta Test

Through the Twitterverse the other day the RenderIN folks told me that they are having a contest to get testers for their next version of RenderIn.  They are looking for 30 new testers.  All you have to do to participate is download the trial version of RenderIN, render up an image and send it it.  The best 30 images from users will be chosen for the beta program.

I downloaded the trial and started playing with it myself.  While I have nothing yet that I would consider worthy to send it, the "Real time radiosity engine" is quite interesting.  See the video below on how it works.  Certainly worth a try.  Click here to post an image to the contest.

2011 Year End Review

It's been a spectacular year for this blog.  What started out as a humble blog for Sketchup related tips has expanded into a globally read resource read by thousands every month.

Not only is this post a review of some of the high points this year, for all of the new readers it will be a great way to get up to speed on what goes on here.  Consider it a "Cliff notes" or a "Best of album" for 2011. Let's jump right in!

First and foremost, there is a lot of Sketchup content from this year.

There was a lot of coverage on mobile apps this year too:

And lastly, everything else!
And most importantly, I want to thank everyone for reading this year!

Maide: MultiTouch for Sketchup via iPad

So just the other day I stumbled across this app for the iPad:  Maide Control for Sketchup.  Basically, what this does is turn your iPad into a giant multi touch controller for Sketchup.  I have been playing around with it for a few days and so far it's pretty handy.  I have yet to really use it on a hardcore modeling project, I have just been toying around with it.

The app is very well done, and setup is really easy.  As you may know, I am a big fan of the 3D Connexion Space Explorer.  However, as great as the Space Explorer is, it's not exactly portable.  Maide allows you to make a great accessory for Sketchup out of something that you're probably already carrying around.  Check out this video to see what it's all about.  Maide works on both Mac and PC.  If you end up trying it out for yourself, let us know how it goes in the comments.